SKU#: PID00732
Oakdon is suited to summer dry conditions within dairy and sheep, deer and cattle finishing systems. Within a mix, Oakdon can be used 50:50 with Hummer tall fescue, improving the palatability and insect tolerance. Oakdon is also good as a grass base with Relish red clover. Growing from mid-September, Oakdon peaks its spring growth in late October, and from summer, during its leafy stay green growth phase, it continues to be productive into autumn. Contact your local PGG Wrightson store or Technical Field Representative for further information and availability.
- Available as bare seed or with Superstrike seed treatment
- Late (+11-12) heading date
- Endophytes - MaxR™
- Highly palatable
- Grows well from mid spring to late summer in high fertility soils
- High rust tolerance
- Highly palatable species