Our Avocado Knowledge
Our Technical Horticultural Representatives and stores are present in the main avocado growing regions in the North Island.
Fruitfed Supplies also launched its avocado monitoring programme in 1997 and is now the largest certified Avogreen monitoring operator, a programme administered by New Zealand Avocados. AvoGreen monitoring is based on integrated pest management principles to help growers use suitable crop protection products and improve pack-out.
Avocado Tech-Know Tips For January & February

- Summer is another period of shoot growth. See the nutrition section for advice to support tree health and crop growth.
- Monitor regularly for leafroller, scale, mealybug, six spotted mite and greenhouse thrips, and control where necessary. Contact the Fruitfed Supplies Crop Monitoring team to assist with scheduled monitoring of your orchard.
- February is a high risk period for phytophthora. Agri-Fos® 600 or Foschek® are the products to use, remembering to evenly space the syringes. Foschek can also be applied as a foliar spray, but not if less than six weeks before harvest when crop loads are high.
- There are several control options for greenhouse thrips including Sparta™ and pyrethroids. Mineral oil is another option which also targets scale and mealybug; it’s the only organic product.
- Control options for leafroller are Delfin® WG, Sparta, Uphold, Proclaim® or Prodigy™. Caligula is another option which also targets scale and greenhouse thrips but be aware of its long pre-harvest interval (140 days).
- Six-spotted mite numbers may be below threshold at this time of year, but where needed, control with Mit é Mec®, Avid® or mineral oil.
- Protect against fruit rots all year round with coppers such as Tri-Base Blue®, or Nordox™ as an organic option. A minimum of eight applications per year are recommended.
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Our Citrus Knowledge
The Fruitfed Supplies team in Hawke's Bay, Bay of Plenty, Gisborne, and Northland offer product knowledge and support to orange, mandarin, grapefruit, and lime growers.
Crop monitoring is also an important part of Fruitfed Supplies' offering to the citrus industry. Timely pests and disease monitoring goes hand in hand with our Technical Horticultural Representatives' crop management recommendations and accurate reporting for accurate decision making and auditing purposes.
Citrus Tech-Know Tips For January & February
- January is the month of fruit expansion. Valencia oranges, Afourer mandarins and lemons are at maturity and late season navels are coming to an end. For new season mandarins, hand-thin after fruit drop has ended. Apply NAA/ANA for thinning and sizing Afourer mandarins.
- Nutrients, such as potassium, are in high demand during the fruit enlargement period. Apply YaraVita Croplift-K or Valagro Plantafol 0-25-50 (0-11-41.5 elemental basis) regularly where needed. Conduct leaf testing in February. Ensure micronutrient deficiencies do not limit trees by applying YaraVita Gramitrel or Valagro Brexil Multi. Several deficiencies in citrus appear similar to one another.
- Monitoring for pests is important during summer months. Soft wax scale and mealybug crawlers are released during this period. Target crawlers with Movento® 100SC or mineral oil. Mealybug can be controlled with Mortar® or Ovation® 50 WDG, remembering to use high water rates.
- During February, target thrips with Fyfanon®, Sparta or Excel Organic Oil, bearing in mind pre-harvest intervals which can be up to 42 days for Fyfanon®.
- Leafroller and citrus flower moth can be controlled with Delfin® WG or Orthene®. Make sure you’re looking for signs of orange fruit borer as well, as this species of leafroller has been found on citrus.
- Citrus whitefly can be controlled with Movento 100SC.
- Brown rot can be managed by applying protective chemistry such as Dithane® Rainshield™ Neo Tec, copper or Fruitfed Captan 80WG. If also controlling thrips, do not use mineral oils 14 days either side of a Captan application.
- This year’s wet spring conditions could encourage the development of scab. Protect fruit with Dithane® Rainshield™ Neo Tec, copper or Pristine.
- Use Bacstar or Serenade Optimum to target anthracnose and Penncozeb to control alternaria.
- If mites are present, apply Excel Organic Oil.
- Albedo strengthening is important in January, and this can be achieved using Brexil Ca, Stopit or Falgro GA (navels only).