Our Kiwifruit Knowledge
Fruitfed Supplies has worked with kiwifruit growers from the very early days, focusing a good portion of their research and development on this important crop to the New Zealand economy.
Our Fruitfed Supplies team also works with Kiwifruit Vine Health and postharvest facilities. These relationships ensure our Technical Specialists are up to date on issues and topics affecting the kiwifruit sector, allowing them to work collaboratively and share this information to the wider industry, including growers.
Our Growers | KW Kiwi Ltd
Katikati kiwifruit growers Stephen Kenna and Phillipa Wright aren’t spouting a mere catchphrase when they talk about ‘continual improvement’. It’s a philosophy they have embraced for more than 30 years as the custodians of their land who implement sustainable management practices which enhance both the environment and crop quality.
Our Growers | Kiwicare Horticulture
Father and son, Steve and Cody Law grow kiwifruit in the Bay of Plenty. With Cody the third generation of growers, the family has long sought the advice and knowledge of the Fruitfed Supplies team. Both Steve and Cody appreciate the up-to-date and succinct information they receive from their rep which Cody says they use to maximise their productivity on-orchard.
Kiwifruit Tech-Know Tips For January & February

- January is the start of the kiwifruit monitoring period for scale, leafroller and long tailed mealybug. All growers should have had their January monitoring results back by February to ensure timely control of these pests. Follow up with your registered Pest Monitoring Centre to get your results so appropriately timed control can be undertaken.
- Potassium is important during fruit enlargement, contributing to fruit brix, fruit sizing and overall fruit quality. Foliar potassium options include YaraVita Croplift-K or Valagro Plantafol 0-25-50 (0-11-41.5 elemental basis); apply at 10 to 14 day intervals. Conduct mid-season leaf testing and address any deficiencies that may affect marketable yield and fruit quality. Maintain leaf quality and maximise photosynthesis with regular applications of Valagro MC Cream.
- If the scale threshold of four percent is reached, apply Excel Organic Oil on Gold 3 during the middle two weeks of February only. Use on Hayward can go into March. There is a risk of mineral oil marking the skin of Red19 kiwifruit during this period, so avoid using on this variety.
- Where needed, leafroller, including orange fruit borer, can be controlled with Delfin® WG or Proclaim® Opti, the latter having a 42-day PHI so caution is required if Kiwistart is anticipated.
- Protect against Psa infection up to six weeks post fruit-set with Aureo® Gold. After the copper-sensitive period for developing fruit (up to early January), it’s okay to use coppers such as Kocide® Opti™, Tri-Base Blue® or Nordox™ but don’t apply copper within 14 days of Aureo Gold. Be proactive with preventative applications of Psa control products prior to wet weather events.
- Passionvine hoppers are a major cause of sooty mould and may appear on blocks where there are suitable host plants such as mahoe, privet or flax. Monitor regularly and, if present, apply ZETaPy late in the day to prevent UV breakdown. Applications of TripleX® can help prevent sooty mould developing on fruit.
- Where needed, greenhouse thrips can be controlled with ZETaPy or an organic pyrethroid. Apply to boundary plantings as well; January timing is ideal.
- Kiwilustre®, citric acid or Control DMP can be used for fruit stain removal.
*ACVM registration numbers apply. Read registered label before use.