The early adoption of one smart grass
The early adoption of Align AR37 new smart grass is well underway with some of PGG Wrightson’s Technical Field Representatives across the North Island. They have seen the value in Align AR37, a tetraploid perennial ryegrass that suits a diverse range of farm systems.
Agricom's journey to breed Align AR37 has occurred over the past 10 to 12 years. The process involved gathering genetics from initial pre-breeding environments and/or collections worldwide. Starting with an advanced breeding block, up to 10,000 plants with strong genetic lines were planted individually. These plants underwent intensive sheep grazing and were culled based on traits like disease resistance, heading dates, and plant shape and type. By the final selection stage, only 50 to 100 plants remained in each family group. These elite plants were then crossed to create the start of a new cultivar, resulting in seed that was reintroduced into Agricom's trials and evaluated nationwide.
Warren Johnson, Hastings Technical Field Representative, has found great value in using Align AR37 on a high-altitude dairy farm in Patoka. He appreciates its late heading date, which allows for quality feed through spring and strong growth in summer and autumn.
He says, "Align shows high rust tolerance and remains in a vegetative state throughout the year while maintaining productivity."
Align has shown strong establishment even in dry conditions. Warren is impressed by its regrowth after the first grazing and its dark green, healthy appearance.
Annalise Williams, Taupō Technical Field Representative, had been searching for a tetraploid ryegrass replacement for a client's high-performing dairy platform in the Central Plateau. She was impressed with Align AR37 at Agricom’s trial site during the summer months.
“The Central Plateau has challenging soil conditions, so finding a ryegrass that fits into our system is crucial to whole farm performance.
”Align AR37 has fine leaves and is densely tillered, giving it good resilience in the free-draining pumice soils of Taupō. The low aftermath seed heading trait also provides high-quality pasture from spring to early winter," said Annalise.
Annalise is excited to see what the following years bring on farm with Align AR37 now an integral part of the system.
If you would like to consider Align AR37 tetraploid perennial ryegrass for your farming operation, contact your local PGG Wrightson Technical Field Representative.
Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, Align #P005989. Always read the registered label before use.