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Early Spring Crop Management

Early spring crop management

Barley crops by early August may be well underway and have several tillers developing on the plant, while wheat or triticale may still look sluggish as these are often slower to develop.

Growth Stage 21 (GS 21) first tiller has happened to all crops apart from those that have been sown late. This is an important time to a crop for a couple of reasons. The crops are no longer under the protection of a seed treatment for aphids so are susceptible to barley yellow dwarf virus. Secondly, cereal crops are wanting to produce tillers which in the case of barley have a big influence on grain yield. Wheat crops are driven by head size later in the season.

Winter does not slow up the onset of disease in crops and early scald and net blotch infections in barley often appear. We recommend the use of a prothioconazole-based fungicide to give control.

In August you might see early signs of Septoria or rust in wheat. Treat this at approximately GS 30 with the first growth regulator. In wheat, stem-based diseases such as Fusarium or eyespot need to be controlled at this time. Bolide or a prothioconazole-based option is best. Check for winter weed escapes and if found, use a herbicide mixed with an aphicide so all issues are covered in one pass.

Check the crop’s growth stage to avoid leaving weed control too late and missing the opportunity to use a wider range of herbicides as many are only labelled up to the development of the first node. If grass weed control is required, these chemicals work best by themselves on small seedling grasses so seek advice before tank mixing. 

As the soil temperatures are now rising, use a nitrogen (N) based fertiliser on barley to encourage the plant to start sending out tillers. Apply at early tillering as yield is driven by bulk. Most of the N is needed by GS 32 which may be early September. 

Winter wheats and triticale’s are good at producing tillers, so take care applying N early. Too many tillers have the potential to produce small grains, ending in disappointing results. Including liquid fertiliser Gramitrel into the spray programme is a good way to provide essential micronutrients to the crop including zinc, magnesium, manganese, and copper with a small amount of N.

Crops that have fallen over by harvest often have reduced yields. The best results for wheat and barley are achieved by two applications of a growth regulator. The first timing is at GS 29-30 at the end of tillering, just before the first node develops on the stem.

To shorten the gap between nodes and help stiffen the straw, mix Moddus with Cycocel. This timing may allow the addition of a fungicide, insecticide and Gramitrel. A second application may be necessary in crops at GS 32 or Terpal at GS 39 with your main fungicide treatments.

If you require assistance formulating an early spring crop management programme for barley and wheat, contact your local PGG Wrightson Technical Field Representative.

Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, Moddus Evo #P009128, Cycocel 750 #P001493, Terpal #P003483 and Bolide #P009339. Always read the registered label before use.