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K-Line Irrigation Pod System on Farm

Easy irrigation solutions for your property

Summer is nearly here, and NIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research) is predicting warmer than average temperatures and dry spells around the country. No one wants to play summer cricket on sad, brown fields or miss out on delicious delights from their garden due to a lack of irrigation. Plus, who wants to spend their holidays standing about watering your garden, lifestyle block or sports field? Get rid of your water woes this summer with the RXP K-Line® 32mm 5 Pod Farm Pack

It is an above-ground system of networked pipes and sprinkler pods. No digging is needed providing an easy and cost-effective installation solution. It is simple to install and use on your farm, lifestyle block, garden, or sports field - just set it up-and go. K-Line systems are designed to save time, labour, and water resources.

K.Pipe is 32mm piping made of strong, flexible polyethylene built to withstand UV light, freezing temperatures, and vehicle and animal traffic. Flexibility is built into the system. K-Lines and pods can be shifted by hand or with an ATV (or similar vehicles) within minutes to meet your irrigation needs, whether you have one or a thousand hectares. By using a scheduled grid pattern to promote the most efficient and effective use of water in an area. The system is modular and is easily adaptable to different land characteristics and terrains.

The low-pressure water system delivers water via a slow, efficient water absorption method resulting in better water penetration, less water waste, and prevents nutrient run-off. The specialised K-Line design mimics ‘soft rain’ to maintain moisture in the root zone to allow root systems to more efficiently use water and nutrients, resulting in a stronger, healthier plant.

This is the perfect gift under the tree this year for the DIY fanatic. Save time and money this summer, by using the K-Line 5 Pod Farm Pack as an easy irrigation method. 

Shop our limited time, online only, Black Friday special – Friday, 29th November until Monday, 2nd of December 2024. 

Visit your local PGG Wrightson store to arrange an initial assessment by the RXP design team to determine a suitable K-Line® irrigation solution for your farm or property. For more information on the K-Line and Black Friday Deal, view online at