Nitrogen (N) is the key macronutrient required by crops for optimal vegetative growth and crop development. To ensure N levels are sufficient in soil, solid fertiliser is applied pre-planting, at drilling and as in season side dressings. As well, in season applications can be complemented with a true liquid N formulation.
YaraTera™ N400 is a high-analysis formulated liquid N manufactured by global fertiliser producer Yara at its large-scale plant in Sluiskil, Netherlands.
N400 contains 39.3 percent weight/volume (393 grams per litre) which is among the highest analysis liquid N formulations on the market. It contains three different forms of N with 25 percent present in the nitrate form, 25 percent as ammonium N and the remainder as ureic N.
As David Spencer, Agronomy and Crop Solutions Manager for Yara New Zealand explains, “ the different forms of N in urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) are available to the crop at different rates extending its availability. However, all are relatively quick. This is especially important when you want a swift N response in cold soils or where wet or dry soils may challenge root uptake of N.”
“YaraTera N400 is commonly used around the world. It is often applied as a soil application through sprayers set up with stream bars or applied through the likes of field irrigators.”
With many farmers operating central pivots in New Zealand there is an opportunity to inject directly into the pivot and apply N on a flexible and efficient basis. Being applied as a liquid, the uniformity of an application across the paddock is very accurate.
For higher value forage crops such as brassica and fodder beet, foliar applications are another good option. Typical rates for these crops are around five to ten litres per hectare. Being manufactured as a true liquid, N400 has good tank mix compatibility. Herbage tests taken at critical growth stages often show nutrient levels lower than desired such as boron and molybdenum. N400 provides the option to combine a foliar product, such as YaraVita Molybor, to apply nutrients to address any deficiency, whilst providing an N boost to the crop as a single pass.
“UAN use is a trend we are seeing develop as farmers look for options around their crop production,” says Angela Darke
PGG Wrightson South Island Technical Specialist – Soil Science. “Maximising yield and quality is always our goal and along with the Yara foliar trace element products available to correct or mitigate deficiencies, N400 is another good tool we have to achieve this.”
As N400 is a combination of different N forms it is a highly efficient supply of N to the crop and has a low volatilisation profile. As a liquid able to be tank mixed, and having rapid uptake, it provides a flexible option to help manage plant production.
To discuss suitable applications and rates of YaraTera ™ N400 this coming season, contact your local PGG Wrightson Technical Field Representative.