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Mohaka ryegrass genetics improves production

Mohaka ryegrass genetics improves production

Mohaka ryegrass genetics improves production

Mohaka, Agricom’s new tetraploid hybrid ryegrass, provides excellent year-round performance, as PGG Wrightson Technical Field Representatives and the farmers they work closely with, have witnessed first hand.

For those looking for a short to medium term option, Mohaka is suited to shorter-term finishing pastures, runoffs and undersowing programmes. The new generation breeding of Mohaka means it is bred from strong hybrid perennial ryegrass genetics (around 60 to 65 percent) along with 35 to 40 percent Italian genetics. This gives it the strong establishment and winter production of an Italian ryegrass, while the long-lived genetics aid in persistence and production during the drier months of summer and autumn.

Farm Manager, Colin Tremain of Tumunui Trust in Rotorua, uses Mohaka within his farming system, having been recommended it by his local PGG Wrightson Technical Field Representative. Colin is aiming to grow the most tonnage in a short amount of time with his ryegrass, and with limited cropping ground available on the farm, he is currently on a three to five year rotation.

“Mohaka was drilled in the ground quite late but established quicker than our other grasses and we have had excellent grazing out of our Mohaka paddocks,” says Colin.

Bred for strong establishment, Mohaka lends itself well to farms with early growth needs. Its seasonal growth means farmers can grow more feed in the winter and spring. Mohaka has a late heading date (+ 20 days compared to Nui) meaning it holds its quality well into late spring and early summer, helping with pasture quality through into autumn.

Colin was one of the first farmers in his area to sow Mohaka, having put his hand up for the pre-commercial seed obtained from his local PGG Wrightson Technical Field Representative. He has enjoyed its increased production as, “it’s always three to five days ahead in the grazing round of our other paddocks.”

With Mohaka now available in both AR37 and AR1 novel endophytes, this grass is suited to any farming system with the added benefits of persistency and resilience from targeted pests. With AR37 endophyte, Mohaka can be used to help extend the life of damaged or degraded pasture by undersowing into perennial pastures that are in the opening-up or thinning phase, following a harsh summer or pugging in winter.

Including Ecotain® environmental plantain in a mix when undersowing Mohaka is a good option when looking to improve pasture quality and resilience leading into a summer dry.

When sown with legume content, Mohaka can improve silage quality for supplementary feed pastures and dairy runoffs. The addition of Relish red clover and Tribute white clover will help to increase the production and quality of the feed source offered to stock, and in return, increase production per hectare. Mohaka AR1 and Relish red clover is an outstanding combination for deer or lamb finishing operations looking for a rotation length of three to four years.

To discuss using Mohaka ryegrass within your farming system to help boost your pasture production, contact your local PGG Wrightson Technical Field Representative.