How to protect your property this wildfire season
Wildfires are becoming more frequent and devastating in many parts of the world, including New Zealand. Many of these wildfires happen in the shoulder months rather than the typical summer period, which means the time to prepare is now.
To best prepare, consider the below:
º Removing highly flammable plants close to your home and other buildings on your property.
º Clearing gutters and decks of dead leaves, debris, and pine needles.
º Enclosing decks and spaces underneath the house.
º Storing flammable materials, like firewood, well away from your house.
º Keeping your grass short around your home and other buildings on your property.
It is also recommended to think about how to manage vegetation buildup over the spring months in other areas of the property.
Have a plan
In a wildfire emergency, you may suddenly have to leave home for an extended period with little warning. So, have your evacuation plan ready. Talk to your household and your neighbours about what you will do in an emergency. Work out what you and your family need if you have to stay away from home, and plan for what you require to get through during this time.
Identify your escape routes and a safe zone where you will meet up with your household. Ensure you also consider pets and livestock, including what would happen if you are not at home when a wildfire occurs.
Access to water
Water storage, equipped with correct connections, gives emergency services quick water access if your property is threatened by fire. For example, large plastic water tanks can be fitted with firefighting kits. If you are unsure about what connections you should have, contact your local PGG Wrightson store.
If you have a pond or an alternative water source that could be used for firefighting, have signage to show fire crews where it is. You can also contact your local brigade to tell them where this is on your property.
Visit your local PGG Wrightson store to find out more about the tanks and firefighting kits available.
For more tips and advice on reducing your fire risk visit the FENZ website.