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Tomato-Potato Psyllid (TPP) in potato crops

Robust approach against tomato-potato psyllid

Crop monitoring data from the past three years shows that populations of Tomato-Potato Psyllid (TPP) increase in the summer months with a spike in late January and February across most potato growing regions.

Utilise a robust Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programme to control this pest effectively.

Several predatory insect species which are found in potato crops, such as Tasmanian lacewings, hoverflies and eleven-spotted ladybirds, assist with the biological control of TPP. These predatory insects are found in all New Zealand potato growing regions and offer around the clock control of TPP and other potato pests. When choosing insecticides for TPP control, the safety of beneficial insects should be kept in mind.

As the season progresses and TPP pressure increases, consider control options such as Avid to follow early IPM options. It offers more control of TPP, while still being relatively IPM friendly. Options with greater knockdown effect include Sparta, Tripsol, Proteus and Karate Zeon. Recent trials¹ in Canterbury showed Tripsol to have good control of all TPP life stages.

Monitor for TPP so you can make informed decisions on the level of control required. What are the populations in the paddock or the surrounding area? What life stages are present? What beneficial insects are in and around the crop? What is the threat of disease transfer?

When selecting an insecticide option make sure you understand the life stage of TPP it targets, its mode of action and any resistance management guidelines. Also consider which insecticides belong to the same mode of action group in case you limit your use of another product.

Coverage is important for the control of TPP, especially with potato’s bulky canopy. The use of spreaders or wetting agents is recommended with most products listed above. Check product labels for recommendations and ensure your sprayer setup and droplet distribution deliver thorough coverage.

More information about TPP control options and crop coverage is available from your local Fruitfed Supplies Technical Horticultural Representative.

¹2021 Fruitfed Supplies efficacy trials in Canterbury.
ACVM registration numbers: Avid #P004648, Karate Zeon #P003495, Proteus #P007529, Sparta #P008266, Tripsol #P008598. Read the registered label before use.