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Rust control in ryegrass seed crops

Rust control in ryegrass seed crops

Rust control in ryegrass seed crops

The Elatus® Plus fungicide label from Syngenta was extended last season to include stem and crown rust control in ryegrass seed crops.

This registration offers arable farmers a new option for stem and crown rust control, both yield-limiting diseases in ryegrass seed crops. Elatus Plus offers the added benefit of a short 14-day withholding period.

The feedback on performance in the field has been positive according to Paul Hassan, Syngenta Technical Services Lead. “Agronomists have indicated the control of rust has been very good and we believe it represents a new standard in rust control in ryegrass crops.”

“The short withholding period is beneficial for farmers in terms of grazing re-growth or feeding straw to livestock. After years of development, we are really pleased to offer this product to farmers.”

Elatus Plus provides rust control by binding to the leaf surface to give long-lasting, rainfast protection. It also binds to the pathogen target site to inhibit fungal germination, shutting down a potential infection at an early stage of disease development.

Paul says, “the product is best applied at ear emergence and again at flowering in a preventative programme.”

“As a solo SDHI formulation, Elatus Plus provides growers with the flexibility to add a mixing partner, such as prothioconazole or Amistar®. Elatus Plus can also be applied as a solo treatment in a preventative programme alternating with an approved non-cross resistant fungicide.”

Another benefit of the Elatus Plus is endophyte safety according to Paul. “Long-term storage endophyte safety tests have been conducted. The results show Elatus Plus has a high level of safety for endophytes in ryegrass seed. Growers can use it with confidence on sensitive novel endophyte varieties.”

In cultivars known to be sensitive to triazole fungicides, Elatus Plus can be applied alone in a preventative programme, though it must always be mixed with a triazole fungicide in situations where a curative fungicide is needed.

Elatus Plus is a Group 7 SDHI fungicide containing 100 grams per litre of Benzovindiflupyr branded as Solatenol® technology in an emulsifiable concentrate formulation.

Apply at a rate of 750 millilitres (ml) per hectare. For resistance management, do not apply more than two applications of Elatus Plus, or any other SDHI, to a ryegrass seed crop per season.

Contact your local PGG Wrightson Technical Field Representative to discuss using Elatus® Plus within your fungicide programme in ryegrass seed crops.


Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, Elatus® Plus #P009276 and Amistar® #P004840. Always read the registered label before use.