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The Importance of Clostridial Vaccination

The Importance of Clostridial Vaccination

The Importance of Clostridial Vaccination

This spring, lambs need to begin their own clostridial vaccination course before the borrowed protection from drinking their mother's colostrum declines. Docking is a convenient time to start this programme, as it helps the development of the immune system well before the protection provided by its mother's colostrum is no longer sufficient.

A complete vaccination programme includes a course of two shots: a sensitiser and then a booster given four to six weeks later.

The importance of providing a complete vaccination course is illustrated in Figure 1, which shows the delayed, low-level, and short-lived antibody response to the initial sensitiser vaccination compared with the much faster, larger, and longer-lived antibody response to the second booster shot. A similar rapid, longer-lasting response is seen when an annual booster shot is given 12 months later.

When vaccinating for clostridial diseases this spring, choose Multine®, New Zealand’s leading clostridial vaccine range¹. A New Zealand study2 showed the advantages of Multine® compared to a competitor product. More lambs responded to Multine®, producing higher concentration of antibodies and allowing for greater protection against pulpy kidney and tetanus.

In addition to its effective immune response, the Multine® range with the convenience of a 5-in-1 vaccine with Vitamin B12 and/or selenium in a single injection, allows farmers to choose a product that suits their unique farming situation.

The non-selenised versions of Multine® are also registered for use in cattle. Cattle protection should not be overlooked. High risk management practices for clostridial diseases are things such as yarding causing bruising, grazing high quality pastures, and grazing forage crops. Often sudden death is the outcome, so preventative vaccination, including annual boosters, is best practice.

Protecting your sheep or cattle stock against clostridial diseases this spring should be a high priority. For a relatively small investment, your valuable livestock and your bottom line are protected.

Head to your local PGG Wrightson store to secure your Multine vaccines for spring.

¹ CEESA Audit Data, March 2024.

² Moffat, J., Bain, H., & Bruere S. (2016, 3-8 July). Vaccination against clostridial disease in maternally derived antibody positive lambs; a randomised, non-inferiority field trial in twin lambs. Proceedings of the 29th World Buiatrics Congress, Dublin, Ireland.

Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, Multine® #A000934, Multine® Selenised #A000935, Multine® B12 #A011311, Multine® B12 Selenised #A011766. Always read the registered label before use.