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Choosing an effective drench for lambs this summer

Choosing an effective drench for lambs this summer

Choosing an effective drench for lambs this summer

Lambs react to the presence of worms in their gut from about 60 days of age onwards and can cause both scouring and a reduction in weight gain.

Drenching before weaning assists with removing roundworms and tapeworms, which in turn will help maintain growth rates while also reducing the number of parasite eggs passed in the faeces.

It is important to use effective combination drenches to slow the development of drench resistance.1 So when completing routine drenches, choose a product containing the triple active combination of macrocyclic lactone, levamisole and benzimidazole. Treating with a dual combination drench increases the risk that the drench will only be moderately effective, resulting in lower lamb growth rates and the increased spread of drench-resistant worms.

Young lambs are susceptible to the toxic effects of some macrocyclic lactone drenches, so using ivermectin ensures safety in lambs heavier than 16 kg. Levamisole has a narrow safety margin particularly when lambs are dehydrated so be aware of this when drenching in the heat of summer or after shearing or crutching. In these situations, allow stock to rehydrate before drenching.

Vetmed Triplemax iTape is a combination oral drench containing ivermectin, oxfendazole, levamisole and praziquantel. This combination helps to ensure efficacy against roundworms and tapeworms, while being safe in younger and lighter lambs, with a convenient lamb dose rate of 1 ml per 5 kg.

Vetmed Triplemax Oral substitutes the ivermectin for abamectin to increase potency against worms and is suitable for sheep greater than 20 kg with a 1 ml per 10 kg dose rate.

Both treatments have a convenient 14-day meat withholding period.

All Vetmed drenches are suitable for recycling as part of the AgRecovery programme. Triple rinse the containers and drop them at your local recycling site.

Vetmed Triplemax Oral and Triplemax iTape are available in 1 L, 5 L, 10 L and 20 L pack sizes.

The addition of selenium and cobalt in the Triplemax range aids the supplementation of these trace elements. If you are vaccinating lambs at the same time, ensure the vaccine does not also contain selenium as this may be toxic.

To discuss using the Vetmed range within your worm management plan, visit your local PGG Wrightson store.

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1 Wormwise. (2019). Wormwise Technical Manual. Retrieved from

Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, Triplemax iTape #A011111 and Triplemax Oral #A011076. Always read the registered label before use.