If you work on a farm, or love being in the outdoors, here’s a comprehensive range of clothing and footwear that will keep you dry, comfortable and safe.


Accessories including belts allow you to complete your look

See the range of functional and durable work boots

Tailored and functional jackets for Kiwi conditions
Jerseys and Fleece
Modern style, rugged capabilities – discover the range here
Clothing designed for outdoor play no matter the weather
Provides essential protection in a range of applications
Safety Apparel
A range of safety gear for ears, eyes and head
Full range from workwear on the farm to smart casual
Rugged and comfortable - for sport, casual or on the farm
For support and cushioning, find the sock to fit your activity
Breathable, warm and dry – see the range of thermal wear
Check out our comfortable and hardwearing trousers
Wet Weather
Choose from a range of lightweight and waterproof gear
Knowledge Hub
PGG Wrightson’s ultimate Christmas shopping guideSanta has been busy making a list, and checking it twice, but he doesn’t have to fight the crowds to get your pressies for under the tree. Nor... Read More
Layering clothing for the elements this winterLayering clothing is important. That’s the takeaway from a discussion on layering for the winter with Line 7’s Brand Manager, Daniel Clark. Read More
Farmer input drives improvements to Line 7’s wet weather rangeIt’s soon evident after talking with Daniel Clark, Line 7’s Brand Manager, that Line 7’s range of new wet weather gear has been carefully... Watch Video
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