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Fodder beet

For a high energy feed see our range of fodder beet seed

Fodder Beet


The key traits from enduring varieties Kyros and Troya have been combined to create Bangor, resulting in improved and consistent drymatter yields. Bangor is a uniform and consist performer suited to all stock classes.

Farm type: Sheep, Beef, Dairy and Deer

Traits: High yields, medium to high drymatter

Sowing rate: 80,000 – 90,000 seeds per ha (grazing)

Days to grazing: 24 – 28 weeks



An ideal choice when a farming system has had a history of Rhizoctonia, Brunium is suitable for both grazing and lifting. This is a true mono-germ cultivar with an oval bulb shape and high drymatter percentage.

Farm type: Sheep, Beef, Dairy and Deer

Traits: True mono-germ cultivar, oval bulb shape, high drymatter type

Sowing rate: 80,000 – 90,000 seeds per ha (grazing), 100,000 seeds per ha (lifting)

Days to grazing: 24 – 28 weeks

Delicante Fodder BeetDelicante Fodder Beet


The key traits from enduring varieties Kyros and Troya have been combined to create Bangor, resulting in improved and consistent drymatter yields. Bangor is a uniform and consist performer suited to all stock classes.

Farm type: Sheep, Beef, Dairy and Deer

Traits: Tankard bulb type with improved leaf characteristics and disease tolerance

Sowing rate: 80,000 to 90,000 seeds per ha (grazing), 100,000 seeds per ha (lifting) 

Days to grazing: 24 – 28 weeks



Enermax is a specially bred mono-germ hybrid fodder beet variety used by farmers to lift, store and feed to their livestock. Enermax is a high quality seed offering consistent bulb size and height and a high drymatter rate which reduces transport costs and prolongs storage life. While ideal for lifting when sown at the lower sowing rate, Enermax can be grazed in-situ.

Farm type: Sheep, Beef, Dairy and Deer

Traits: High yields, uniform height, clean bulbs

Sowing rate: 80,000 – 90,000 seeds per ha (grazing), 100,000 seeds per ha (lifting)

Days to grazing: 28 weeks



Feldherr is hybrid fodder beet with a light orange bulb colour. This hybrid is a high quality mono-germ offering good yields in a drymatter range of 12 to 15%, which is preferred by farmers grazing young and old stock classes. Felderr has excellent leaf holding and is suited to sheep, beef, dairy and deer farming.

Farm type: Sheep, Beef, Dairy and Deer

Traits: High quality mono-germ seed, high yield potential for low drymatter percentage type

Sowing rate: 80,000 – 90,000 seeds per ha (grazing)

Days to grazing: 24 – 28 weeks



Jamon, having been evaluated in New Zealand for a number of years, has developed a reputation for confidence in reliability, Jamon is a uniform, mono-germ orange cultivar. Jamon has a bulb drymatter of between 16 to 18%. Jamon has excellent leaf holding in late autumn and which a trait valued when grazing most stock classes.

Farm type: Sheep, Beef, Dairy, Deer

Traits: True mono-germ cultivar, excellent leaf holding

Sowing rate: 80,000 – 90,000 seeds per ha (grazing)

Days to grazing: 24 – 28 weeks

Lempa Fodder BeetLempa Fodder Beet


Lempa is a new release to the New Zealand market for spring 2023 and has been evaluated in New Zealand for several years. Lempa is a uniform, mono-germ orange cultivar with an oval-shaped bulb. Lempa has a bulb dry matter of between 16 to 19%. Lempa has a uniform bulb size which contributes to a reliable yield.

Farm type: Beef, Dairy

Traits: True mono-germ cultivar

Sowing rate: 80,000 to 90,000 seeds per ha (grazing) 100,000 lifting

Days to grazing: 24 to 28 weeks

Surf Sugar BeetSurf Sugar Beet


Surf is a sugar beet from Florimond Desprez with a white bulb, upright leaf habit and high dry matter percentage. Surf has a low soil tare and can only be mechanically harvested and not grazed in-situ.

Farm type: Sheep, Beef, Dairy and Deer

Traits: High dry matter type (20 to 26%) and Rhizomania tolerant

Sowing rate: 100,000 to 120,000 seed per ha (lifting)

Days to grazing: 24 – 28 weeks



Tadorne is a sugar beet that has an upright leaf habit, with white bulbs of very high drymatter percentage that sit deep in the soil. It is only suitable for mechanical harvesting, and is not suitable for being grazed in-situ. Tadorne has had outstanding yield results in New Zealand conditions for the last six years.

Farm type: Sheep, Beef, Dairy and Deer

Traits: Hight DM yields, very high drymatter type (20-26%), rhizomania resistant

Sowing rate: 100,000 – 120,000 seeds per ha (lifting)

Days to grazing: 20 – 28 weeks

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Views and product information supplied above are those of PGG Wrightson Seeds Limited and is not agricultural advice. You must use all products strictly in accordance with any product information supplied. Always seek advice from your local PGG Wrightson Technical Field Representative. PGG Wrightson Limited sells some products as agent for PGG Wrightson Seeds Limited, whose terms of trade on the seed order form apply to the purchase and use of those seed varieties. Non-agency products are sold by PGG Wrightson Limited on its customer terms of trade located at Please refer to your local Council for advice on land use permitted activities and restrictions including for forage crop, grazing and nitrogen use, PGG Wrightson Limited does not provide advice on land use.

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