Herbage testing
Soil Technical Specialist, Angela Darke, demonstrates herbage testing in a clover paddock. The test results will help you fine tune your fertiliser programme and provide you with trace element results, particularly molybdenum. Remember when completing a test to gather 500g of sample and use gloves to prevent contamination.
Your local PGG Wrightson Technical Field Representative will be able to help you understand your herbage test results and recommend a fertiliser programme to improve dry matter production.
Knowledge Hub
Liquid nitrogen boosts crop performance
Nitrogen (N) is the key macro nutrient required by crops for optimal vegetative growth and crop development. To ensure N levels are sufficient... Read More -
Nitrogen side dressing
Technical Specialist in Soil Science, Angela Darke discusses nitrogen side dressing. Watch Video -
Efficient use of nitrogen side dressings on forage crops
Nitrogen (N) is required in large quantities by brassica crops. It is an essential component of plant proteins which include compounds... Read More