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We provide a portfolio of Valley centre pivot and linear irrigators to suit your irrigation requirements. With our centre pivots offering a customisable profile span and adaptable hose feed delivery linear irrigation solutions, our qualified designers and technicians can create a system for your farm, factoring in size and terrain. 

Irrigation System Design | PGG Wrightson WaterIrrigation System Design | PGG Wrightson Water

Irrigation Repair & Maintenance Servicing | PGG Wrightson WaterIrrigation Repair & Maintenance Servicing | PGG Wrightson Water


Our team offers comprehensive maintenance for a range of irrigation and pump systems, including OCMIS hard hose portable irrigators, Valley Irrigation Centre pivot and linear irrigators, and various pump types. We offer both as required servicing and preventive maintenance to help you maximise water efficiency and meet regulatory compliance such as Farm Environment Plans (FEP).


Any type of operation relies heavily on water application for its success. To do this effectively and efficiently, the compliance services listed below allow you to ensure your equipment is well-maintained and meets the desired regulatory standards.

Our other services:

  • Sprinkler Pack Replacements - Generally, sprinkler packages should be replaced after 4 to 5 years of operation to ensure irrigation uniformity and efficiency.
  • System Installation
  • 24/7 Breakdown Services
  • System Performance Verification
  • Chemigation Valve Testing 
  • Flow Meter Verification