Fruitfed Supplies offers technical advice to winemakers
The Winery Supplies team hosted technical seminars in Hawke’s Bay and Marlborough earlier this year to assist local winemakers learn more about specific yeasts, enzymes and tannins.
Dr Tina Tran and Dr Anthony Heinrich, from AB Biotek, presented wines from yeast and nutrient trials and data from enzyme trials carried out at the Bragato Research Institute in Blenheim. The yeast and nutrient trials covered work with the yeasts Maurivan PDM, AWRI Fusion, Pinnacle Tropica and UOA MaxiThio.
Derek Sanchez and Evan Schultz represented Oak Solutions Group with Derek presenting research on the use of tannins in wine to alter mouthfeel and palate weight. Participating winemakers were able to taste sample wines from the tannin trials.
Mark Cairns, Fruitfed Supplies Technical Horticultural Representative (THR) in Hastings, says participants were also given tannin sample kits to conduct bench trials on their own wines.
Blenheim THR Aaron Thompson says the feedback from winemakers in both regions was positive. “We’ve had plenty of interest in the yeast trials from AB Biotek and the Oak Solutions tannin trial. Both presentations have since resulted in wineries wanting to trial products themselves for next year’s vintage.”
It’s been several years since Fruitfed Supplies has hosted a similar technical seminar for winemakers and Aaron says the Winery Supplies team is keen to host future seminars as new research becomes available to share with local winemakers.
For more details on the comprehensive array of winery dry goods available such as malic and tartaric acids and food grade DAP, yeasts and enzymes, filtration and clarification products, and cleaning products, talk with your local Fruitfed Supplies Technical Horticultural Representative.