Great for winter feed – see our oats range
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Coronet is a great choice for winter feed. This variety was bred for greater disease tolerance, high leaf to stem ratio and winter hardiness where it demonstrates outstanding grazing utilisation. Coronet is rust tolerant and is a later maturing oat which allows for increased quality and yield potential. Ideal for producing green chop silage (cut at boot stage).
Farm type: Suitable for all stock classes but particularly sheep and young cattle
Traits: Rust tolerant, late maturing, high leaf-to-stem ratio and high yielding
Sowing rate: 100 – 120 kg per ha
Days to grazing: 60+
Developed for autumn-planting and for use as single grazing in winter, Milton is a high yield, rapidly developing oat which is outstanding for the traditional job of fast feed from an autumn sowing. Milton’s early maturity and fast germination in cool conditions has made it the ideal winter and early spring sown oat in a catch crop programme and is ideally suited for November green chop silage. Milton maintains a high leaf to stem ratio and with proven disease resistance both of which enhance silage quality.
Farm type: Suitable for all stock classes
Traits: Improved disease resistance, rapid establishment, high yields
Sowing rate: 100 – 120 kg per ha
Days to grazing: 60+
Views and product information supplied above are those of PGG Wrightson Seeds Limited and is not agricultural advice. You must use all products strictly in accordance with any product information supplied. Always seek advice from your local PGG Wrightson Technical Field Representative. PGG Wrightson Limited sells some products as agent for PGG Wrightson Seeds Limited, whose terms of trade on the seed order form apply to the purchase and use of those seed varieties. Non-agency products are sold by PGG Wrightson Limited on its customer terms of trade located at www.pggwrightson.co.nz. Please refer to your local Council for advice on land use permitted activities and restrictions including for forage crop, grazing and nitrogen use, PGG Wrightson Limited does not provide advice on land use.